Continuous Enrollment
At Hillel Academy, we’re thrilled that so many families choose to stay with us year after year, with over 90% of eligible students returning annually. To make life easier for our busy families, we transitioned to a Continuous Enrollment program—a simple, stress-free way to secure your child’s spot at Hillel without the need to re-enroll each year.
This program ensures that your child’s educational journey continues uninterrupted, so you can focus on what matters most—your family’s growth and success.
Have questions? Stephanie Samuel, our Director of Admissions, is here to help! Contact her anytime at admissions@hillelacademytampa.com.
Mark Your Calendar: The Opt-Out deadline for currently enrolled families is the first Thursday in February each year for the following school year. Don’t miss it!

How does Continuous Enrollment benefit my family?
Continuous Enrollment streamlines the re-enrollment process, making it effortless for families. Once you sign your Continuous Enrollment Contract, your child(ren) will automatically be enrolled for the next school year unless you submit an Opt-Out/Withdrawal Form by February's deadline.
This simplified approach saves time for families and allows Hillel Academy to plan effectively for staffing, programs, materials, and curriculum, ensuring the highest quality educational experience for our students.
What is the penalty if I do not Opt Out by the Continuous Enrollment Anniversary Date (first Thursday in February)?
After the Continuous Enrollment Anniversary date (first Thursday in February), the annual commitment fee (10% of total tuition) is forfeited. View Hillel’s Opt-Out/Withdrawal Policy for complete information about withdrawal protocol and unique circumstances
What if my plans change after the Continuous Enrollment Anniversary in February? Unique circumstances…
We’ve built flexibility into the Continuous Enrollment contract to cover major life changes. Student(s) withdrawn after the Continuous Enrollment Anniversary date, will be exempt from the withdrawal schedule if:
The family moves/relocates 50+ miles away from Hillel.
Hillel Administration initiates withdrawal of student(s).
Other unique circumstances as approved by the Hillel Admissions Office.
Opt-Out/Withdrawal Policy
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) understand and assume personal and financial responsibility expressed or implied in their continuous enrollment contract. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) understand they are contractually obligated to pay all fees (via FACTs) associated with canceling their student(s) enrollment, in accordance to the following protocol:
After the Continuous Enrollment Anniversary date (first Thursday in February), the annual commitment fee is forfeited. The Annual commitment fee is refundable only if unique circumstances (described below) are applicable.
Withdrawal Protocol: If student(s) enrollment is canceled by the family, the family is responsible for:
25% of tuition, on or after April 15th through June 30th,
50% of tuition, on or after July 1st through the day prior to 1st day of school
100% of tuition, on or after the 1st day of school
Unique Circumstances: Hillel Academy recognizes that family plans change. Student(s) withdrawn after the Continuous Enrollment Anniversary date, will be exempt from the withdrawal schedule if:
The family moves/relocates 50+ miles away from Hillel Academy
Hillel Administration initiates withdrawal of student(s).
Other unique circumstances as approved by the Hillel Administration Team
Returning students (after withdrawing from Hillel Academy):
If the student(s) has not been enrolled at Hillel for a full school year, the student is subject to the Hillel admissions process as a new applicant
If the student(s) has been enrolled at Hillel within the last school year, and an opt-out form was received by the most recent Continuous Enrollment Anniversary date, the family is responsible for:
A non-refundable administrative fee of $500
Completion of a new continuous enrollment contract for the student(s) enrolling at Hillel