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Log into FACTS

FACTS is Hillel Academy’s online gradebook. Parents are encouraged to check FACTS once a week from third to eighth grade. In Kindergarten through 2nd Grade, parents are encouraged to check twice a month.  All ELC - 8th grade parents may also find the School Directory and the Student & Family Handbook behind this password-protected site.

Through FACTS you can:

  • Update household information

  • Pay tuition

  • Read school communications

Watch this video tutorial for help navigating the Parent Portal or read the step-by-step instructions to log into FACTS and access the portal! To request a username and password or for help accessing the portal email if needed.



Kaymbu is Hillel Academy’s preschool communication app. Parents will receive daily reports and pictures from their children’s teachers.


Request username and password from


There are formal and informal methods of communication throughout the school year to keep every parent fully aware of what is happening with their child/ren, class, division, and school.

  • Parent-Teacher Conferences twice a year (November & February).

  • Report Cards four times a year (Nov., Jan./Feb., April, June)

  • Class Newsletters every week for ELC - 4th Grade, every other week in 5th grade and monthly in Middle School. 

  • Sunday Message every Sunday at 10:00 AM for everything you need to know for the upcoming school week.

  • Educators and parents are welcome to send emails at any time with concerns, questions, or suggestions.  To speak by phone or in-person, educators and parents should send an initial email to determine a date and time.

  • We encourage parents to address any concerns directly with their child’s teacher first. If additional support is needed, please reach out to the Division Director for assistance. For unresolved matters, the Head of School is available as a final resource. This approach ensures open communication and effective collaboration at every level.

Connect with us on Social Media

Ask to join the private Parent/Educator Facebook Page

  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • YouTube

Join the Parent Association


Parents at Hillel Academy are a significant part of the child’s learning experience both in and out of the classroom and the heart of our commitment to #CultureofKindness

All parents of current students automatically are members of the Parent Association (PA).

The PA leads major fundraisers during the school year –such as the Casino Night and the Legacy of Light Gala – as well as casual social gatherings on and off campus.  They are instrumental in providing the school with ruach (spirit) and play a critical role in organizing parent volunteers to help support the school, teachers, and students. 

Whether you want to help in your child’s classroom, meet other parents, or plan an event for our school community, we appreciate your time and efforts!

Lunches for Hillel Academy students can be conveniently ordered and purchased through

We offer a variety of Kosher, healthy lunch options daily to satisfy both adventurous eaters and those with more selective tastes. Choices include fresh salmon, bourekas, a taco bar, pastas, brisket, and more!

Getting Started on Boonli:

  1. Create an Account: First-time users must sign up and verify their email.

  2. Add Your Children: Link your child(ren) to your account.

  3. Enter School Password: Use ha374 to connect to Hillel Academy.

  4. Start Ordering: Select your desired meals by clicking on the calendar date.

Questions? Contact Keren at

Ordering Lunches Online

Support Hillel Academy

We appreciate the many ways our families support Hillel Academy to bridge the gap between tuition and the actual cost of educating students. Learn more about how you can help or donate to Annual Giving or one of our endowments today.

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Register for a Program

All non-tuition registrations at Hillel Academy are managed through Sawyer, an all-in-one platform that allows parents to register for After School Classes, School Out Days, Summer Camp, Private Music Lessons, overnight trips, Parent-Teacher Conferences, and more.


For assistance, please email or call the office at 813.963.2242.

School Out Camps

School’s Out Camp is available on most school holidays. Join us for fun games and activities that are sure to keep kids ages 1 (and walking) – 10 having fun and learning along the way. They will have the opportunity to make new friends and engage in indoor and outdoor activities in a safe, positive environment.

Summer Camp

At Adventure Camp Tampa, we ignite curiosity and create lifelong memories all summer long! Mornings are full of science, tech, art, and sports, while afternoons bring endless fun and friendship. Join the adventure!

Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent-Teacher Conferences are key to fostering collaboration between parents and educators, ensuring students receive the support they need to thrive. For grades K-8, students are encouraged to join their parents to better understand their progress and goals. Dates will be announced throughout the year.

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